Corporate Governance – Our Commitment to Integrity

Our approach to corporate governance is based on our core values and behaviours that support the way we do business.

As a trusted name in the UK motorhome industry, we uphold the values of transparency, honesty, integrity and the protection of our customers, colleagues, and our community.


Erwin Hymer Centre Travelworld and the Edwards family has been serving the motorhome community in the UK one way or another for more than 40 years, providing unrivalled stability our customers and partners.

We work to highest standards of corporate governance which is fundamental to the long-term future of the business.

The below policies Travelworld has in place are available upon request. 

  • Modern slavery
  • Anti bribery and corruption
  • Whistleblowing
  • Financial Conduct Authority code of conduct
  • GDPR

Include links to accreditations:


ESG Policy

Environmental Approach

Social Approach